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The Design Space

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

In this blog I want to write about who inspires me and why.

I often refer to my younger sister Jo as my pesky little sister. Well, that's because she mainly is!

But there is way more to her than her role as little sister. She is an outstanding creative designer with a little bit of geek thrown in for good measure. She's a magician when it comes to all things graphic design.

When I handed Jo the very first draft of One Small Drop (which I'd hacked at with a knife) she practically gasped out loud! She said kindly, "Give it to me and let's see what we can do with it." Without her One Small Drop would just be an idea still sitting in a box with a tonne of others!

Just recently Jo's business has undergone an expansion. She's changed her business name to

The Design Space, scored herself a fantastic office at Hutt Art and created herself a fancy smancy new website. She has also added art adventures to her list of incredible services.

She is truly my muse. If I'm ever stuck on an idea or a technique, she's my go to person. Because of her geeky nature there's nothing she can't figure out when it comes to technology.

So this little wee blog is just a shout out to my sister who I am so proud of for her reinvention and amazing creative projects. I still haven't forgiven her for spray painting my best track paints (when I was wearing them), or putting my pyjama top through the print press (not wearing it at the time). But then she's probably not forgiven me for leaving a burnt iron mark on her studio floor and painting OOPS! in white paint on it either!!! ha ha ha.

Love you little sis xx

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